We have finished the third round of the Polish Sailing League in Sopot.
Already during Friday’s training we showed that we are not going out of shape and we will fight fiercely for the highest places. We couldn’t wait to jump on the water and start competing! As it turned out, it was hot again on the pier in Sopot, but not because of the holiday weather.
We bravely faced well-prepared competition. Despite the changing weather conditions, we have once again proved that we deserve the podium.
The crew composed of:
- Mateusz Błażejak – bow,
- Jakub Padzik – foresail/pit,
- Igor Tarasiuk – grot/tactics,
- Krzysztof Małecki – helm,
took third place in the third round of the Polish Sailing League!
There was also support from coaches – Łukasz Wosiński and Krzysztof Chudecki.
The grand finale will be held in Świnoujście in a month. We have gold at our fingertips and in the coming weeks we will certainly do our best to achieve our goal! Follow our fanpage and you will not miss anything.